The Arizona Wine Growers Association (AWGA) serves grape growers and winemakers in Arizona, allying its members for representation, promotion and education. The association strives to advance with integrity the sustainable growth and production of authentic Arizona-grown wines.
Our voting members are wine grape growers, winemakers and those in the process of entering the industry. Our associate members are wine grape researchers, wine retailers, restaurants, hotels, B & B’s and other hospitality providers and industry vendors. Our supporting members are wine consumers and friends.
Arizona’s vineyard owners are a diverse group. There are insurance agents, lawyers, airline pilots, engineers, former college professors, a Hollywood movie producer, a rock star and medical professionals. Some of our grape growers also grow other crops such as pistachios and pecans.
Wine professionals from other states are finding Arizona’s wine industry to be an attractive investment and are planning new vineyards in the state.
• Arizona has 83 licensed and bonded wineries
• Arizona wines have been served at the White House on many occasions
• Arizona wines were poured at three James Beard House dinners in 2010
• One ton of wine grapes can produce 178 gallons of juice
• A case of wine is 2.3 gallons or 9 liters
• Wine is being produced in all 50 states
• In 2012, the USA became the number one wine consuming country in the world
• Arizona wines have been served at the White House on many occasions
• Arizona wines were poured at three James Beard House dinners in 2010
• One ton of wine grapes can produce 178 gallons of juice
• A case of wine is 2.3 gallons or 9 liters
• Wine is being produced in all 50 states
• In 2012, the USA became the number one wine consuming country in the world
The AWGA) partners with local organizations and individuals to present a series of partnering events and festivals, which all highlight Arizona Wines.
Some of our signature festivals include:
• Off the Vine Festival (Tucson AZ) February